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Eating Disorders Review Website Advertising Information
For advertising questions, please email
Below are the guidelines and specifications for submitting advertisements to ensure the highest display quality and efficacy in reaching our specialized audience. Advertisers can showcase their products, services, or educational programs through our digital platform.
File Submission Specifications:
- File Format: All advertisements must be submitted as .png or .jpg files. This format is required to maintain the quality and integrity of the image across digital platforms.
- URLs: Advertisers must provide URLs directly linked to the advertisement. Ensure the URL is correctly formatted and functional and leads to a relevant landing page that aligns with the advertised content.
Resolution and Pixel Sizes:
- All .png files must have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi to ensure clarity and quality when viewed on high-definition displays.
- Pixel dimensions should match the specified sizes for each ad placement to ensure optimal display without scaling issues.
Color Mode:
- Files should be submitted in RGB color mode, suitable for digital media display.
Ad Sizes and Dimensions:
Medium Rectangle (Sidebar Ad): (only 2 allowed per issue)
- Size: 300 x 300 pixels
- Placement: Located in the right sidebar beneath the “From the Blog” section on every article, these ads offer significant visibility and are ideal for detailed, impactful advertisements.
Billboard (Section Ad):
- Size: 600 x 200 pixels
- Home Page Placement: These are prominently placed under sub-sections like the “Latest Articles” and “From Across the Desk” sections, providing substantial exposure to readers engaged in content.
- Article Placement: These are prominently placed under the article, above the comment section
Skyscraper (Tall Vertical Sidebar Ad): (only 1 allowed per issue)
- Size: 300 x 600 pixels
- Placement: Positioned in the sidebar, are on every article, offering extended exposure as users scroll through the Home page and articles.
Submission Deadlines:
EDR is a bi-monthly publication. All advertisement materials must be submitted at least 14 days before the scheduled run dates:
- November/December, submit mid-October
- September/October, submit mid-Aug
- July/August, submit mid-June
- May/June, submit mid-April
- March/April, submit mid-Feb
This allows time for review, URL testing, and any necessary adjustments to meet our publication standards. Ads will run for the duration of the issue, which is eight weeks.
Ad Design Services
Should you need ad design services, we offer those at $100 per ad through HELD Communications, LLC. Please email for more information.
General Advertising Policies:
Content Alignment: Ads must be relevant to the fields of eating disorders, mental health, nutrition, or professional education and should contribute positively to the interests and values of our readership.
Non-Discrimination: Ads must not discriminate against any group or individual based on age, color, national origin, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, or disability.
Pharmaceutical Advertising: Pharmaceutical ads must comply with all applicable regulations and standards, including substantiation of claims and disclosure of side effects.
Right of Refusal: The Eating Disorder Review and the iaedp Foundation reserve the right to refuse any advertisement that does not meet our standards of acceptability for ethical or professional reasons.
How to Submit:
– Send your .png or .jpg file, URL, and contact information to
– Include the desired size and placement of your advertisement.
– Specify the ad run’s start date and the campaign’s duration.
We appreciate your interest in advertising with the Eating Disorder Review and look forward to partnering with you to reach a dedicated audience of professionals. Please feel free to contact our advertising team should you have any questions or need further assistance with your ad submission.