The Art and Science of Evaluating Your Clinical Practice
By John L. Levitt, PhD, FAED, S-CEDS, FIAEDP
A rich guided tour through available tests and therapeutic options, including Rapid Assessment Instruments. One question: How can clinicians evaluate good clinical care and how to incorporate it, and how can they share that knowledge with others?
New and Positive Pandemic Reactions in Eating Disorder Treatment
By Sandra Wartski, PsyD, CEDS
In a surprising reaction to the challenges of the pandemic, the author has found that some clients have been able to use this time to approach their recovery in new and positive ways.
Early results from the COLLATE project
Eating Disorders in Pregnant and Breast-Feeding Mothers
Restrictive eating emerges as the best predictor of suicidal ideation in adolescents and young adults with low-weight eating disorders
And much more…