Reprinted from Eating Disorders Review
November/December 2009 Volume 20, Number 6
©2009 Gürze Books
Beginning in January 2010, the Eating Disorders Review will become an online-only publication. Although bimonthly issues will continue to be produced by the same editorial team, they will no longer be available in print form. Rather they will be sent via email with links to a new website, This means that the EDR will no longer be a paid subscription resource, but will be available FREE to anyone, which is expected to increase circulation by more than 1000%.
As has been the case for the past 20 years, Joel Yager, M.D. (editor-in-chief) and Mary K. Stein (managing editor) remain the guiding forces behind this publication; and, every piece will still face consistent editorial scrutiny from some of the worlds leading experts in the eating disorders field.
In addition, hundreds of articles from past issues of the EDR and its sister newsletter for families, Eating Disorders Recovery Today, will be available at no charge at, complete with search capacity and even Nibbles cartoons. Visitors to the homepage will find links to articles from the current EDR issue, featured authors, additional links for eating disorders professionals, and much more.