While so much of our attention is now directed at the pandemic and all the adjustments that have been made to improve safety, science steadily marches on. In this issue, two eating disorders specialists present global scientific advances and reflect patients’ at-home challenges as well. In her article, author Sandra Wartsky uses case examples tp illustrate her observation that “Fortunately, some clients have been able to use this extraordinary time to approach their recovery in new and positive ways.” In another article, Dr. Cynthia Bulik, a keynote speaker at the IAEDP Virtual Symposium, describes the worldwide advances made through genetic studies, particularly with new information about the genetic and biologic underpinnings of the most prevalent eating disorders, particularly anorexia nervosa. The advances from these global efforts may help us understand why treatment failures in AN are so common. Health misinformation via the Internet is yet another topic; where one study reported that 90% of younger viewers trust most health information they read over the Internet.
We welcome spring and the advances being made in ED knowledge and improved treatment.