As we welcome 2020, there is much to be optimistic about in research and advances in eating disorders, even as long-time issues about mortality and the long-term effects and difficulty of treating all forms of eating disorders continue.
In this issue, author Sandra Wartski notes that one of the factors that helps clinicians maintain their motivation and optimism is witnessing a client heal after years of disordered eating and distorted thinking about his or her body. It is even more exciting when some patients become passionate about spreading the word about letting go of thoughts related to eating disorders, and instead helping others find treatment.
Several articles also underscore the ever-growing use of the Internet and online programs that can greatly increase contact with patients, and some that have questionable effects, such as an app that is directed at increasing weight consciousness among children. Other articles look at the importance of adequate nutrition during pregnancy and the degree of knowledge of nutrition among people with eating disorders.
Dr. Wartski offers a good message for us in 2020: May everyone in the eating disorders fieldcontinue to assist in the spreading of anti-ED messages in our world.
– MS