From Across the Desk

 Our Editorial Board members are a group of eating disorders experts who work quietly behind the scenes to help us bring accurate and up-to-date information to EDRreaders. Our Board members also write lead articles and suggest authors and topics of interest, even as they keep up with their academic lives, research, and busy practices.

This month we reluctantly say farewell to long-time Board member Kathryn J. (“Kassy”) Zerbe. Kassy, who has a private practice in Portland, OR, is Professor of Psychiatry at Oregon Health and Science University. Her practice includes longer-term psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, short-term consultation, and supervision of mental health professionals. Kassy is a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association, and has a special interest in eating disorders among adults and older women.  Readers will remember her excellent articles on eating disorders in mid-life in past issues of EDR. She is also the author of The Body Betrayedand Integrated Treatment of Eating Disorders: Beyond the Body Betrayed,as well as many book chapters and articles, to name but a few of her activities in the world of eating disorders. Kassy will continue her practice, writing and teaching, but will be concentrating on areas other than eating disorders alone.  We will miss her but won’t be far away.

— MS

Kathryn J. Zerbe, MD


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